Codependency Support Group
Sa, 10. Mai von 13:00 - 14:30
Eine Veranstaltung, die im Abstand von 2 Woche(n) um 13:00 Uhr am Samstag stattfindet und bis 30. Juni 2025 wiederholt wird.

Are you someone who constantly puts others’ needs before your own? Do you struggle to establish boundaries and find it difficult to say “no”? Maybe you are in a relationship where you constantly feel responsible for the other person’s feelings? In this self-help group every voice is respected, heard, and understood. We will discuss our journeys and empower each other to break free from unhealthy patterns. Through practical tools, we will focus on setting boundaries, fostering self-compassion, and creating balanced connections with others.
Self-help Group for Co-Dependency
Neue Selbsthilfegruppe
Self-help Group for Co-Dependency
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldung bei der KIBIS Kontakt-, Informations- und Beratungsstelle im Selbsthilfebereich, Tel. 0511- 66 65 67 (Mo, Di, Do 9 – 12 und 13 – 16 Uhr, Mi 16 – 19 Uhr)
www.kibis-hannover.de / www.fb.com/kibis.regionhannover